Weird Giraffe Games

Studies in Sorcery

Studies in Sorcery promo image

Game Details

Player Count: 1-4
Playtime: 15 minutes per player
Age Range: 10+
Weight: Medium
Release Date: Launching on Kickstarter October 6th!
Mechanisms: Engine Building, Winston Draft
Brief Description: Studies in Sorcery is an engine building and drafting game in which players are trying to complete projects in Alchemy, Reanimation, and more to finally complete their thesis statement and graduate from the Academy of the Dark Arts.

Studies in Sorcery KS Notification

Game Overview

In Studies in Sorcery, players are students at the Academy of Dark Arts who are trying to finally finish their thesis statement and get their Master's Degree in the Dark Arts.

Each field of study at the Academy of Dark Arts is different and requires different skills.
  • Alchemy takes time but can grant you abilities instantly.
  • Reanimation requires just the right ingredients if you want to really impress the professors and can help you build future projects even faster.
  • Sorcery takes work, but can grant you new abilities depending on the phase of the moon.
On their turn, players can choose to scavenge for ingredients or to go get more projects to work on. At the end of each round, players can commit their ingredients to projects and hopefully finish a project so they can reap the rewards of a job well done. The game ends after four semesters have passed and players present their projects for review.

Choose your thesis and fields of study wisely and even you can get your degree in darkness!

Media About the Game


Reviews coming soon! If you're interested in getting a review copy, send an email to

People Behind the Game

Image of Chris

Designer: Chris Glein

Chris Glein is a Seattle area game designer and artist. You can find him weekly with the Seattle Tabletop Game Designers, playing and creating all sorts of game prototypes while eating dumplings and having a nice whiskey. He is endlessly looking for new and interesting ways to pair theme and mechanics so that he has an excuse to draw more pictures and put them on cards.