Weird Giraffe Games

Gift of Tulips

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Game Details

Player Count: 1-6
Playtime: 20 minutes
Age Range: 8+
Weight: Light
Release Date: Launching on Kickstarter February 2021!
Brief Description: In A Gift of Tulips, tulip enthusiasts explore Amsterdam’s tulip festival to build colorful bouquets. Players can change the value of different tulips by playing into the Tulip Market, gain points by giving Tulips to other players, or build up their own Bouquet, which is scored at the end of the game.

Gift of Tulips KS Notification

Game Highlights

Easy to Learn: Simple enough for kids to play and enjoy, with depth and strategy to keep hobby gamers interested.
Give to Win: You can only win the game if you give enough to other players, so you must do so strategically!
Secret Market: The secret market has a touch of press your luck as you might not see that tulip again, but if it does come out of the secret market, you'll know more about the end game conditions!

Media About the Game


Reviews coming soon! If you're interested in getting a review copy, send an email to

People Behind the Game

Designer: Sara Perry

If you ask Sara what's she's thinking about, 75% of the time she'll probably answer "board games." Sara graduated from the University of Montevallo's Game Studies and Design program, and has since branched out to board game design, playtesting, and publisher customer support. When she's not doing game-related things, she's busy running her own bakery and working as a nonprofit Program Director.